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Marilyn Barrow


A Glimpse Into Her Heart

I love tea.
That statement alone should tell you all you need to know about me. No, it really shouldn’t but I do love a nice cup of hot tea.

I’ve accomplished many things in my life, some small, some large, but none as important as the role of mentor. Every woman is influential yet what we do with our influence tells of who we are and who we desire to become. One of my greatest joys is what I currently do. Being a small part of the lives of the girls and young women I serve is a large part of mine, and I’m humbly grateful.
Usually people start an organization or give back because they see a need. I started because I saw purpose. The Refiner's Chamber didn't always start as such. I created a nonprofit in 2013 called MyPurpose. After a few years and some bumps in the road, I allowed discouragement and lack of attendance to halt the goal of what I was aiming to do. I didn't see progress. I didn't see longevity; all I saw was a need and had the desire to meet it for the girls in New Orleans. In 2017 I stopped sessions at MyPurpose because I allowed a lack of self-confidence to get me off track. The Refiner's Chamber Inc. is the birth of a new baby with the same foundation, yet with a greater purpose and vision; something that was lacking in the previous one. Had I allowed my failure to keep me down I wouldn't have begun again.
I don't teach our girls anything that I haven't experienced and that experience alone shows them regardless of what happens around you, what you believe about yourself is what will drive your decisions. Now that I have recognized that, I hold on to the truth of who I am and not the lies or opinions of who people tried to make me be.

Participating in the arts and sports as a young girl is what kept me alive. I can attest that if I did not build upon those skills, I would not be the woman I am today - and the woman I am becoming. What you produce from creativity is a breath of fresh air. I believe every girl deserves those moments to breathe.

A letter to the growing girl:


Hey, Girl.

     We all have this idea in our head about what we want and who we're supposed to be. A lot of this "stuff" we're still trying to figure out. Can I tell you a secret? When you're a woman there will still be things you're trying to figure out! The difference is by that time you will have hopefully built a "tribe" of solid friends who can walk and figure it out with you. I've always wondered what my purpose was because if I knew, then I would be happy and go full-force in doing that. Even when I discovered it, I had to know that what I do doesn't define my identity - who created me does. Purpose isn't as simple as finding out who you are, where you belong or even why you were placed here. To know your purpose is to understand and believe that when God took His hands to shape every part of you, He didn't do it without precision, strategy, love and care. God created us in His own image (Genesis 1:26 - 28), so that means we're not junk!
We matter to Him because He used His very hands to mold us. You are imprinted with the very fingerprints of God, can you believe that! You are absolutely and without question, loved. He calls you His masterpiece. (Ephesians 2:10).

     I didn't think I was anything special when I was a young girl. I thought I wasn't even valuable enough to want to be around. But I found that believing that was a lie and I needed a new way of thinking and living that was beyond what I could do myself. I chose to walk with God regardless of who decided to walk with me. Life can be confusing, lonely and challenging but there is also beauty, love and joy in it! There is always someone who understands exactly what you go through and will go through and guess what, there are times when people won't.
But if we allow ourselves to be refined by The Refiner, we will be who He has created us to be.
You are precious and important to Him so that means you are also precious and important to me.

Let's take this walk together.

With love,
​ Ms. Mae

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