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UnAwkakened Love

A deep dive into God, Love, and Identity,
for Young Adult & Women, 18+

Song of Solomon 8:4

“I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, until he please.”

You’re probably saying….”what is the meaning of this?” His Word is the very essence of knowing the journey you must walk with Christ to know and  understand what it means to be in position. To be found. To be one with Christ. To let love, awaken


Often, we have made the error of not understanding “who we are” or the purpose, power, and influence we contain. His-story has taught us that some woman selected to free, save, birth, destroy, and stagnate a move of God, instead chose to speak, gossip, or halt an assignment. Have you become the stone thrown causing destruction to the life of another by not recognizing who you are, not walking in your authority, or by giving permanent placement to temporary people?


Join our UL Director, LaMuntra S. Richardson, as she cultivates this safe, non-judgmental space to heal, deliver, and help women discover what it truly means to “Be Found”.

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